1. Close-up
A close-up shot is a shot taken of a person or object at a close range, in order to capture the minute details of the subject. This shot is tightly framed and takes up most of the screen, as it is usually used to frame a character’s face in order for the audience to see what type of emotion is being conveyed.
2. Medium Shot
A medium shot, or waist shot, indicates that it was captured at a medium distance from the subject. It is often used for back and forth dialogue within a scene as it allows the viewer to have a solid view of each character within a film. This shot is known as the ‘sweet spot’ shot, as it allows for both the details of your subject to be seen in addition to the surrounding setting the scene is taking place in.
3. Long Shot
The long shot, also known as the wide shot, is often times used as an establishing shot in a film, as it normally sets the scene and the character’s place within it. This type of camera shot, shows the full length of the subject while also including a large amount of the surrounding area of the film setting..
4. Extreme Close-Up
An extreme close-up shot, is when the surface area of the frame is filled by a subject’s face. In other words, the subject is tightly framed, or shown in a relatively large scale, causing their face to be cropped within the frame. This type of shot is often referred to a choker as well, which is when a shot is framed just above the eyes and right below the mouth. Extreme close-ups are a powerful way to convey the emotion that your subject is feeling.
5. Extreme Long Shot
Taking the long shot one step further, the extreme long shot, or extreme wide shot, is when the view is so far from the subject that he/ she isn’t necessarily the focus anymore, but rather the surrounding area is. Also used as an establishing shot within a film, the extreme long shot, is designed to show the audience where the action is taking place.
Although close-up, medium, and long shots are the three pillars of basic camera shots, there are multiple variations of each shot that you can use in order to blend the effects of the different shots. For example, a medium close-up combines the effects and distance of framing of both a close-up and medium shot– the same would go with a medium long shot, and so on.
Source: https://www.polarprofilters.com/blogs/polarpro/filmmaking-101-types-of-camera-shots-and-angles